Farming & Horticulture
Greenhouse Gas Contributors Face Trial
On 7th February the Supreme Court released its decision on the highly...
Buying, Selling or Leasing a Kiwifruit Orchard?
For kiwifruit growers, buying, selling or leasing an orchard is a...
What do Directors need to know?
When Cash is King but it's running short - what do directors need...
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report What does it mean for NZ?
There's no ignoring the IPCC Sixth Assessment...
Proceed with caution - Don't let your emails bind you
With the global Covid-19 pandemic accelerating remote working and...
Forging Ahead with Freshwater Farm Plans
Forging Ahead with Freshwater Farm Plans – Have Your Say on...
Pricing Agricultural Emissions
Proposal by He Waka Eke Noa for a Farm-Level System Recently He Waka...
First Defended Health and Safety Prosecution
Kiwifruit Orchard Fatality leads to first defended Health and Safety...
Small shared drinking water suppliers - do you understand the changes?
People responsible for supplying drinking water to more than one...
6 Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business
Overview Here’s a thought that we’ll come back to...
Governance versus management for SME directors
No matter how big or small the company, a director’s primary...
Protecting our Highly Productive Land
NPS finally released The long-awaited National Policy Statement for...
Framework to Regulate On-farm Emissions
He Waka Eke Noa: Developing NZ’s Framework to Regulate On-farm...
SunGold G3 licences can form part of rateable land for now?
A recent ‘test case’ in the High Court has held that the...